Gallery Seventeen Claire Oliphant at Larne Inter-club Race Lindsay Kennedy and Lisa Montgomery at Larne Inter-club Race Liz Cahill at Larne Inter-club Race Louise Smart at Larne Inter-club Race Philip Moore at Larne Inter-club Race Rachel Lloyd at Larne Inter-club Race CAH at Larne Inter-club Race Bob Carson & Glenn Smart at Larne Inter-club Race Jane Kinnear, Marion Morrow, Kim Gleave and Sarah Kinnear at Dambusters 10K Louise, Lucy, Farrah, Christine and Lisa at Ballymoney Triathalon Christine Murray and Jean Dolan at PSC Millisle CAH after Laganside 10k Eileen, Marion, John, Katherine, Grace and Jean after Laganside 10K Isaac, Sarah, Joy, Diane, Jane, Glenn & Louise at Kilbride 10k Andrena Berry at the Titanic Ultra 50K