Coaches Code of Conduct

  • Coaches and leaders will treat all athletes with equal respect and dignity.
  • Coaches and leaders will put the welfare and safety of the athletes above all else.
  • Coaches and leaders will treat each other with respect.
  • Coaches and leaders will arrive to all sessions in good time
  • Coaches and leaders will always ask permission before touching an athlete.
  • Coaches and leaders will listen and act upon any concerns brought to them by an athlete.
  • Coaches and leaders will conduct themselves in a professional manner.
  • Coaches and leaders will conduct sessions with enthusiasm and promote the positive aspects of training.
  • Coaches and leaders will be appropriately qualified for their role and keep their licence and CRB checks up to date.
  • Coaches and leaders will ensure that the sessions they conduct are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of the athletes
  • Coaches and leaders should encourage athletes that they are responsible for their own health, safety, performance and behaviour.
Coaches-Code-of-Conduct.pdf (640 downloads)