Athletes Code of Conduct

  • All members must arrive promptly to club organised sessions
  • All members must listen to coaches and leaders briefings
  • All members must follow the assigned route or session plan for the day
  • All members must wear suitable apparel for training or sessions
  • All members must respect opponents and each other
  • All members must respect coaches, leaders, officials, volunteers and their decisions
  • All members must respect members of the public, pedestrians and other road users
  • All members must advise leaders if they have any relevant health issues or injuries
  • All members are responsible for keeping their emergency contact details up to date with the club.
  • All members must be as visible to other road users as possible
  • All members must not wear headphones at club sessions
  • All members must be alert to their environment.
  • All members must run towards traffic where safe and use foot paths if available
  • Members should call to others to warn of oncoming traffic or obstacles
  • Members should carry a phone
  • Members are encouraged to look out for other members best interest and run in groups where possible
  • All members are responsible for their own road safety and personal health
  • All members must know and follow the highway code
Athletes-Code-of-Conduct-1.pdf (523 downloads)