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Irene Downey, Claire Oliphant and Marian Hayes at Lipstick Race for Tiny Life in Bangor
Louise Smart at Lipstick Race for Tiny Life in Bangor
Natasha Henderson sprinting to the finish at Lurgan x-c
Natasha Henderson, Jane Kinnear, Christine Murray and Irene Downey at Lurgan x-c
Jean Dolan receiving her 100 Park Run T-shirt at The Waterworks from Matt Shields and Mags Mathieson
Christine Murray at Lough Fea 10 Miler
Marion Morrow and Kim Gleave at The Castlewellan 10K (2)
Shelley Boyle finishing the Castlewellan 10K
County Antrim Harriers share Jean Dolan’s 100th park run at the Waterworks
Natalie Davidson at Albertville 5 mile
Julie-Ann McAllister at Albertville 5mlr
Helen Collins at Albertville 5 mile